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Pacific Bonsai Museum Location Tree

Pacific Bonsai Museum

The Pacific Bonsai Museum has a large collection of bonsai trees. They come from countries around the Pacific Rim. Bonsai is the art of planting small trees so that they look like mature, plump trees. They grow these small trees in containers. They turn them into large trees of many sizes and shapes. This is a traditional Japanese custom that dates back over a thousand years. The creator exhibits the bonsai, highlighting its intricate, delicate features. They ask for and bring related items. These include scrolls, stones, a small flower plant, and a small statue. The statue is usually an animal or other natural object. People arrange bonsai and related items in a deliberate triangular format. This shows their scale. It’s good if they look natural. The choice of bonsai pot depends on the bonsai, and its depth should be the same as the bonsai.


The Pacific Bonsai Museum opened in 1989. It resulted from a partnership between Weyerhaeuser and the Washington State Celebration. Hoshide Wanzer Architects & The Berger Partnership designed it. The company created it as a unique way to show its commitment to customers and forests. The collection was later donated to the non-profit George Weyerhaeuser Pacific Bonsai Collection. People know it as Pacific Bonsai. The collection has over 100 bonsai trees. They come from China, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and the United States.

Activities of Pacific Bonsai Museum

Activities of Bonsai Garden


Every October, the Autumn Leaf Festival holds events. It is a weekend festival, and entry is completely free. Tours showcase the unique colors of summer. They display gold, red, and orange covering the trees. There will also be competitions and ready-made pumpkins prepared and displayed. The previous competition will now be open to the public. The winners will receive prizes. There are works of art, paintings, and sculptures created by local artists from all over the world. Your friends and family also enjoy taking photos together. They do so while eating delicious food at the fall photo station. They can also take part in fall craft activities. People learn how to care for bonsai and look at the different tools used. All festivals provide food for the less fortunate. Here, we ask citizens to bring non-perishable food items to help those in need. Wondering what else there is to do at Federal Way? Check out the theme park and water park.


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